Thoughts, Drawings, and Scribbles in the attempt to be a modern Renaissance person
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Another process post. This was for an event put on by a group on campus. The title was "foreclosing on the American Dream". So sketched out some ideas for approval they liked the one with the different houses being blocked out by foreclosure signs. The final piece is all by hand, a watercolor with the foreclosure signs cut out and pasted onto the paper. Other than typing out the letters on MS Word, there was no digital manipulation of the image. Though I should learn Adobe and the like. Yet I like that imperfect human look.
Going through some pics, I though I'd show the three stages of a watercolor of mine, gifted to a friend.
Here we have a scan of the pencil drawing, then the "inking" and finally the colored piece.
I like to draw, think, and create music, though I am a novice at all three! I hope to work on being a generalist in the traditions of a modern Renaissance person.
If you like what you see, please feel free to come back and visit. If for some reason you would like to buy a piece, ask. Commissions may also be possible.