Ah, returneth...
Many things to ramble on about here...on a walk today I was thinking about the kind of role models we have for different aspects of our lives and how they are needed even when we are not fully aware of it.
What do I mean?
Well, see I'm the oldest of the escuincles and I was thinking about where do I get my info about "growing up"? I must admit, although my parents are some of the most wonderful people and I am truly thankful for their support, I never really received "life advice" or guidance in terms of what kind of adult I could become.
Sure, there is a place for learning on the go, but I also feel I internalized a lot of different models that I'm still sorting out. I do not have an older brother to go through the successes and mistakes I can learn from. I do have friends (some of the most wonderful people I'm thankful I have met), but I also kind of grew up between two worlds so much of the time. Growing up brown but also having white friends was interesting. One side would kind of tell me that being smart was pretty dorky, while on the other side I received my share of praise. At the same time I was raised pretty Catholic but then had exposure to more "liberal" or atheist thoughts. Nothing right or wrong about it, they are just the models I was exposed to growing up.
On the relationship front, I never really saw my parents "love" each other so to speak...at least not in the way I guess that it's "supposed" to be, but I have seen them happy and they are still together in supporting ways. I don't think they are "staying with each other just because" but I think they are comfortable as life partners.
So where am I going with this? Well, I was thinking about how we turn out to be who we turn out to be depending on the role models we have, or who we think we should be (nothing novel about that, but this is my blog, so I'm typing it out). Pop culture certainly is not the best context to see how relationships should be and who we should be and sometimes I think we do miss seeing and talking to "real" people about how they actually live. Instead of seeing how "life" is based on the tv or the movies, how often to do we see how successful relationships are actually led by people who aren't publicized? And of course this is not solely for relationships, but for living in general: for how to handle adversity, for how to be happy, how to handle money, how to organize your work, etc.
Ok, enough rambling, these are just thoughts that are a little disorganized. I'll be dropping more of these as I think about all the tools I have collected and seeing how they are working, not working, how I'm using them, or not using. This is not about over-analyzing life, or about over-thinking things. It's not about being self-reflective to be moody or whatnot...but I feel like I'm becoming more of an adult and as I do that I don't want to simply "grow up" but rather keep on a path of maturity that understands and values that life is a collection of joy and challenges, surprises and comfort, and it's meant to be lived with an understanding that although no plan survives it's contact with reality, that doesn't mean you should skimp out on goals and purposes. (whew, long sentence!)
Ciao for now dear readers (really, who reads this?!)