Well, in this part of the world it is a New Year!! Goodbye 2008 and hello 2009! I wish I had drawn a New Year's picture. Maybe I can still do that...
Well as for resolutions,I unashamedly make resolutions. Not because they are end goals but as journeys. But I still have some that are specific goals. Not that I am that good in getting them done the way I wish they'd turn out. It works for some and not for others. But here is a brief list and I know I'll come back to add more in a bit.
Here is a brief list:
Be more efficient (I have a strategy I want to make a habit)
Finish projects (specifically there are five)
Improve fitness (Again, I have a simple strategy and a jump rope)
Complete the Master's Project (ugh)
Begin the wedding planning after graduation (...need help)
Write letters/cards/etc and send them in the mail to various people
Do a better job of keeping in touch with people
Don't let the man win
Secret stuff
But the bottom line is that I have sets of tools that I haven't used (real and metaphorically). So I'm going to try to use them.